Friday, January 12, 2018

Cooking Class!

Today the whole group went to a cooking class. When we first got there we had a snack with different types of crackers from Spain and juices. We then started to prepare the ingredients for the "lentajas con chorizo", which is lentils with chorizo in a soup-like dish. People peeled and cut carrots, potatoes, peppers, the chorizo, and an onion.
At the same time we also began preparing the ingredients for the "tortilla de patatas", or Spanish omelet. To do so, we cut potatoes and onions whisked the eggs. With all of the onion-cutting going on in our cooking classroom, even the eyes of people who were standing on the other side of the room from the onions began to sting from the onions. Nonetheless, it was really fun to get to see and learn how two popular Spanish dishes are made.We learned how to make these dishes so we can go back home and share the Spanish recipes with our friends and families, and we also learned how much time and effort goes into making these delicious dishes.

Helping to prepare and cook the Lentils with chorizo and the Spanish Omelet was a really fun experience for all of us and I enjoyed getting to eat both the lentils and the omelet afterwards! Both were very delicious and I am excited to try and make them on my own or with my family when I return to Nashville!
-Bradford Harrington

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